Saturday, February 25, 2006

I Think This Proves I'm A Pretty Good Person...

Greed:Very Low


Pride:Very Low

...At least that's what I like to think (should my pride be 'very low'? That doesn't sound very American).

It's very true that I'm a glutton. Today I ate my weight in lovely cheeses. But then my lactose intolerance kicked in so I paid dearly for that one. However I DID narrowly avoid buying and consuming a taro boba. You should be proud of me. I'm just like my dog. All we think about is where our next meal is coming from.

I need to think about something more productive and positive. Maybe I should concentrate on how I can be part of the solution to some of the world's problems, like the unequal distribution of the earth's resources, wealth, power, etc. Ay de mi.

I wish we all had the power and desire to make each other's lives perfect. I still believe in common decency. But in the real world this doesn't happen. In general, people can't be bothered to be nice to each other. Why do we make goo-goo faces at babies and then when the babies grow into young people and adults we make ugly assumptions about them and pretend they're not there until they cut us off on the road or something?

What one group wants doesn't always match with what others want. Sometimes my instinct tells me to go hide in a grass hut or favela/slum somewhere and listen to music and play with kids and pretend that everything and everyone is all fine and dandy. Kids are awesome. This quiz is also pretty fun. Take it and reflect.

How do you measure up? Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

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