Monday, June 21, 2010

Hearting Ira

I have a huge nerd crush on Ira Glass. He is so honest, perceptive, inquisitive, and vulnerable on his radio show. I have heard the most incredible stories on This American Life, stories that make me cry and laugh out loud, that make me stay up thinking, that give me fodder for conversation. Lately, when I stream his podcasts online, I hear Ira appealing for money for his wonderful show. I can't resist that man's plea. The thought of this show not being able to continue is unbearable.


Rachel said...

My podcast obsession is THE MOTH. It is SO GOOD. Look it up!!! You can get it on iTunes, too.

Tico said...

Here you go:
you can set Ira to be your wallpaper! and don't forget to get your blogger badge!!
